Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Main stories in Thursday's AM program

AAP General News (Australia)
Main stories in Thursday's AM program

SYDNEY, Aug 4 AAP - Main stories in Thursday's AM program:

- Fears about the US debt crisis continue to grip the US and Europe, spooking consumers
and many economists who see the makings of a renewed global downturn.

- Almost 75,000 workers at the Federal Aviation Administration are on unpaid leave
because the organisation's funding wasn't extended before the Congress recess over the
American summer.

- Internet security company McAfee says it's uncovered six years of cyber attacks targeting
governments, international agencies, multi-national companies and sporting organisations.

- News has broken in the UK of another phone-hacking case, this time involving former
wife of Sir Paul McCartney, Heather Mills, and the Trinity Mirror newspaper group.

- Police in Sydney say they're puzzled by what appears to be an elaborate extortion
attempt on a schoolgirl, who had a device strapped to her neck by an intruder overnight.

- Federal Transport Minister Anthony Albanese later on Thursday will release an implementation
study for a fast train between Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne, at a cost of
between $61 and $108 billion.

- Prime Minister Julia Gillard is set to announce that Australia's aged care-sector
will be forced to house two different generations for the first time, baby boomers and
their parents.

- Dementia advocates are calling on town planners to consider the needs of older people
when redesigning suburbs, including simple changes like better lighting and non-slip floor

- Television pictures of the frail former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak wheeled
into court were met with cheers from the relatives of some of the 850 protesters killed
during Mubarak's crackdown on anti-regime demonstrations.

AAP ra/rl


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Chinese cheer.

If you thought the new year celebrations were over, you should think again. The organisation Silk Path, a not for profit web site for all things oriental in Dubai, is inviting all residents to its Chinese New Year family party. On Saturday January 31, between 12pm and 3pm they will be celebrating the Year of the Ox at Capital Club, Building 3, DIFC. Among the activities on the list will be a performance by the traditional Chinese Lion - a dance which is supposed to ensure good luck, fortune and prosperity for the coming year. Also a special Chinese lunch buffet, which will be prepared by Michelin Chef Jerry Bastiaan, and games and activities for the little ones. The organisers promise a fun and unique cultural experience to bring together everyone interested in the popular new year celebration The price is dhs180 for adults and dhs90 for children, while kids under four-years-old go free. For more information visit, or phone Bonnie on 050 654 8953 or Irene on 050 684 4252.

2009 Al Sidra Media LLC

Provided by an company

NSW:Main stories in ABC radio's 7.45 am news

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Main stories in ABC radio's 7.45 am news

SYDNEY, April 8 AAP - Main stories in ABC radio's 7.45am news on Friday:

- Afghanistan's human rights commission has opened an investigation into the death
of a toddler shot in a battle between Australian troops and insurgents.

- Rebel leaders in Libya say NATO airstrikes have mistakenly killed some of their soldiers.

- At least 10 children are dead after a gunman opened fire at a school in Brazil.

- A powerful aftershock from last month's earthquake has rocked northern Japan.

- A woman and a baby have narrowly escaped being hit by a semi-trailer on the Pacific
Highway in northern NSW.

- A restraining order has been taken out against former federal MP Belinda Neal over
a confrontation with her husband's former lover.

- The NSW Labor party will announce its front bench team later today, with Linda Burney
expected to become deputy leader.

- A former union official, George Wright, is preferred by Prime Minister Julia Gillard
to lead the federal Labor party's head office.

- Leading medical figures say they're concerned that funding for medical research will
be cut by the federal government.

- Australia's largest provider of port services, Patrick, is set to appeal against
approval for strike action which it says will affect 50 per cent of traffic.

- Northern Ireland's Rory Rory McIlroy is the first round leader in the US Masters
golf tournament.

AAP wjf


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED:Online buys prompt retail inquiry

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Online buys prompt retail inquiry

MELBOURNE, Dec 18 AAP - The growing trend to shop online has prompted a government
inquiry into Australia's retail sector amid complaints by traditional retailers that shoppers
are avoiding paying GST by buying goods from overseas websites.

The federal government on Saturday announced a Productivity Commission inquiry into
the future of the sector and a crackdown on businesses rorting the system to avoid paying

Traditional retailers want the government to scrap the $1000 GST-free threshold for
imported goods, arguing it puts them at an unfair disadvantage in competing with online

Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten said consumers should be able to shop in whatever
manner they choose, including online.

"The case for lowering the threshold has significant opposition, including the cost
of collection and consumer objections," Mr Shorten said in a statement.

""However, we are taking the concerns of retailers seriously, which is why I have asked
the Productivity Commission to look into these issues."

Thanks to the strong Australian dollar, consumers are increasingly turning to overseas
websites for GST-free purchases.

A raft of retailers have complained they are losing out to foreign websites and are
campaigning against the threshold while the likes of Myer and Harvey Norman have flagged
setting up websites to ship goods directly from China to Australian consumers.

Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor said the government would conduct a compliance
campaign to ensure GST and customs duty concession for imports worth $1000 or less were
not being abused or exploited.

"It's important people follow the rules and not try to rort the system," he said.

The crackdown will begin in 2011.

The moves came as Access Economics figures showed Australians spent $19-24 billion
buying goods online in 2009, representing about three per cent of total sales.

The report showed at least 50 per cent and up to 80 per cent of that amount was spent
with Australian online retail outlets.

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said with online retailing only accounting for
three per cent of the Australian total, there was great potential for it to grow.

Australia's retail turnover was $242 billion for the 12 months to October.

AAP mn/it


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED:Extra payment for health checks

FED:Extra payment for health checks

Parents would qualify for a 725 dollar family payment if their four-year-olds submit
to a health check .. under a Labor policy to be announced today.

News Limited newspapers say the supplementary payment to families eligible for family
Tax Benefit part A .. would be given to families who give their four-year-olds a free
check-up under a scheme for pre-schoolers introduced in 2008.

Only 15 per cent of families take advantage of the free health checks aimed at heading
off health problems before children start school.

The new policy would begin on July 1 and would affect about 50 thousand children a year.

AAP RTV jrd/af


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.


AAP General News (Australia)

Premier DAVID BARTLETT has been confirmed as leader of the party by MP's leaving the
meeting in Hobart.

They say he'll make an announcement soon.

Mr BARTLETT is expected to announce that he'll lead the party into opposition.

The make up of the next Tasmanian assembly will be a 10-10-5 split of Liberal .. Labor
.. and Greens.

Mr BARTLETT has promised that in the event of a tie in the number of seats in a hung
parliament that because the Libs gained more votes overall then the ALP .. they should
first be allowed to try to form a government.

AAP RTV pc/dg/klw

KEYWORD: Tasmania's Labor caucus has ended its meeting to decide whether to hold onto power or yield office to the Liberals.

2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NT: Sacked SIHIP head slams Macklin

AAP General News (Australia)
NT: Sacked SIHIP head slams Macklin

By Tara Ravens

DARWIN, Aug 19 AAP - Money earmarked for desperately needed homes in remote communities
across Australia could be used to prop up an embattled housing scheme in the Northern

Hobbled by soaring costs and "appalling mismanagement", the Strategic Indigenous Housing
and Infrastructure Program (SIHIP) is yet to produce a single new home in almost 18 months.

SIHIP's sacked head Jim Davidson on Wednesday went public with a number of damning
claims, including a statement that the scheme was never going to be able to deliver the
750 homes it promised.

Instead, he says the $672 million will result in only 300 new houses, adding that bungling
bureaucrats - seeking to "save (federal Indigenous Affairs Minister) Jenny Macklin's political
skin" - have been reluctant to adopt a more realistic outlook.

"She was poorly advised," Mr Davidson told ABC radio.

"You simply cannot say those numbers because you don't know what you are going to find
until you get out to these places and find out what's wrong with the substructures, what's
wrong with the sewerage system ...

"I think people were so busy trying to protect the minister's reputation that that
became the priority rather than delivering the results."

Both Ms Macklin and NT Chief Minister Paul Henderson are standing by a commitment to
deliver all 750 homes within five years.

But in order to achieve this the budget is likely to blow out to well over $1 billion,
requiring additional funding from the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous
Housing, according to the ABC's 7.30 Report.

NT Housing Minister Rob Knight on Wednesday hinted more money might be needed to achieve
project targets, but he dodged questions about where the $300-odd million would come from.

"At this stage, we are working within the existing budget," he told reporters in Darwin.

Asked if the NT would need to rely on funds set aside for addressing the indigenous
housing shortage nationwide, Mr Knight replied: "Look, at the moment there is obviously
the review happening and we are looking at a whole range of things".

Outrage over SIHIP's apparent lack of progress prompted the NT and federal governments
to appoint two public servants to take a month to "independently review" the scheme.

But Mr Davidson said the official appointed to lead the investigation, Amanda Cattermole,
was also on the SIHIP steering committee and had overseen and signed off on the first
round of packages.

"She is the one who should have made the analysis as to what could have been achieved
within the SIHIP budget, and she is the one who should have, but didn't, advise Jenny
Macklin of what the implications were," he said.

"I want a genuine review by people whose primary interest isn't protecting their minister's
and their skin ...

"The fact of the matter is that it's far from independent."

NT Opposition Leader Terry Mills described the situation as "a dog's breakfast".

"Someone who had a hand in making this breakfast is now going to assess it. Are they
having a lend of us or what?" he told reporters in Darwin.

Former Labor MP Alison Anderson walked out on the government last month after Mr Davidson
reportedly told her only 30 per cent of the SIHIP money would go to build new homes.

He denied that figure on Wednesday, saying it's "more like 45 to 50 per cent" and "anyone
in the construction industry would completely understand that ratio".

"Half of your money in building houses and infrastructure in a place like Groote Eylandt
(in the Gulf of Carpentaria) is going to go in the costs of getting there, supporting
the people while they are there, and then getting them out again at the end of the job."

That these calculations were not used by the federal government to revise down the
total number of houses is one of SIHIP's major flaws, Mr Davidson said as he called on
the commonwealth to "back off".

"I don't want SIHIP to be ruined just to save Jenny Macklin's political skin," he said.

Canberra is doggedly sticking to a promise to build all 750 new homes, and Ms Macklin
has defended Ms Cattermole's appointment.

"She's going through this line by line ... she'll report to me very shortly, and I'm
determined that these houses get built," Ms Macklin said in Canberra.

AAP tr/jl/cdh


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: Tourists flock to bushfire-affected regions for Easter

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Tourists flock to bushfire-affected regions for Easter

Local and international tourists have heeded calls to support Victoria's bushfire-affected
areas and are flocking to regions including the Yarra Valley over the Easter weekend.

The Yarra Valley Visitor Information Centre is frantically taking accommodation booking
calls today ahead of the long weekend .. with travellers voicing their eagerness to return
to favourite holiday destinations and offer their support.

Information centre worker SANDRA SMITH says it's proving harder than usual to find
accommodation .. as the devastating bushfires of February 7 destroyed many businesses
.. especially in Marysville.

She says the centre normally had about 100 accommodation places on its books .. but
it now has only 50 to 60.

AAP RTV md/gfr/ka


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Qld: We love and perform the anthem, Muslim school says

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: We love and perform the anthem, Muslim school says

Students at an Islamic school in Brisbane sang Advance Australia Fair at an end of
year assembly today .. as a furore erupted over claims it had banned the anthem.

The Courier Mail reported a memo had been sent to teachers at the Australian International
Islamic College in Durack in July .. saying singing Advance Australia Fair was put on

School trustee KEYSAR TRAD says a decision was made not to sing the anthem at their
daily assembly .. but it's performed at every special function.

He says trustees and the board will meet to discuss the logistics of performing the
anthem at every school assembly.

AAP RTV stg/pjo/ka/af


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Outgoing petrol commissioner a 'patsy', says Joyce

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Outgoing petrol commissioner a 'patsy', says Joyce

Nationals Senator BARNABY JOYCE claims outgoing petrol commissioner PAT WALKER was
set up by the federal government .. and had no option but to quit the new post.

Mr WALKER .. Australia's first petrol commissioner .. quit for personal reasons yesterday
.. less than four months after taking up the position.

Senator JOYCE says the government's failure to boost the Trade Practices Act in conjunction
with creating the position made Mr WALKER not so much a Pat .. but a patsy.

He says Mr WALKER's lack of powers meant he didn't have any more influence than what
was already there under the Act.

Senator JOYCE says Mr WALKER's actions simply demonstrate the government's taken us
for a ride of petrol pricing.

AAP RTV ab/evt/crh/ibw


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Anthrax outbreak in NSW's Upper Hunter hits eight farms

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Anthrax outbreak in NSW's Upper Hunter hits eight farms

Anthrax has now been detected at eight farms in NSW's Upper Hunter region .. but authorities
say their control efforts are working.

The Department of Primary Industries says the number of cattle deaths resulting from
the deadly outbreak has stalled at about 30.

BRETT FIFIELD from the DPI says that's a sign vaccination is beginning to take effect.

He says the eight properties under quarantine .. range from large holdings with up
to 500 head of stock to smaller farms with less than 30 cattle.

The first deaths resulting from the naturally occurring anthrax were reported on Christmas Eve.

The outbreak's thought be a result of driving rain which hit the region earlier this month.

AAP RTV dr/jmt


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: SBS management to meet newsreader over "quit" speculation

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: SBS management to meet newsreader over "quit" speculation

SYDNEY, Aug 21 AAP - SBS TV management plans to meet soon with veteran newsreader Mary
Kostakidis following speculation she has quit the network she joined 27 years ago.

Fairfax reported today that Kostakidis has not turned up for work for a week and a
half and is apparently unhappy with changes to the prime time news bulletin she presents
with Stan Grant.

Kostakidis and former CNN and Seven Network presenter Grant have presented the 6.30pm
World News Australia bulletin together since January, when the 30-minute format was stretched
to one hour and commercial breaks introduced.

The SBS veteran reportedly believes that changes in the news program, which she has
been presenting for nearly 20 years, have led to a drop in standards.

A spokeswoman for SBS said the station was aware of speculation that Kostakidis intended
to leave SBS, but insisted she has simply called in sick.

"Mary has informed SBS that she is unwell and has presented a doctor's certificate
confirming this," the spokeswoman said.

The nature of her illness was not specified.

"Mary has requested sick leave which has been granted," the spokeswoman said.

"Given the speculation, SBS management is expecting to meet with Mary as soon as appropriate."

Kostakidis, 52, joined SBS in 1980 as part of the management team that founded the network.

AAP mdg/jm/sp


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: State-by-state breakdown of Easter road toll

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: State-by-state breakdown of Easter road toll

(EDS: AAP's Easter road toll figures are for the period 0001 April 5 to 2359 April
9. Some states and territories may have different periods.)

QLD: 1


ACT: 1

VIC: 1







2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Teenage boy recovers after falling from moving car

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Teenage boy recovers after falling from moving car

A teenage boy is recovering in hospital after falling from a moving car in Sydney's west.

The 16-year-old suffered a minor head injury when he tumbled onto the road while hanging
onto the vehicle in Sunflower Drive .. Claremont Meadows .. at about 8.30pm yesterday.

He and another male had climbed onto the side of the car .. after the 17-year-old female
driver stopped to speak to a friend standing on the kerb.

About 30 metres down the road the boy fell from the car at low speed and hit his head.

He's in a stable condition at Nepean Hospital.

Police have interviewed the P-plate driver and spoken to the boy .. with investigations

AAP RTV smm/was/els/bart


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Tas: Three spectators struck by car at Targa rally event - 2

AAP General News (Australia)
Tas: Three spectators struck by car at Targa rally event - 2

A spokeswoman for the event says the three spectators suffered serious injuries ..

and have been rushed to the Royal Hobart hospital.

It's believed the spectators .. who were hit at the Targa Tasmania Hobart Domain stage
.. are Tasmanian.

She says event organiser Octagon is offering counselling to the injured trio .. their
relatives .. and other competitors and officials involved.

And she says the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport will conduct a thorough investigation
into the incident.

AAP RTV jvb/cp/jv


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

AP Top News at 10:44 a.m. EST

AP Online

Senators Take Last Turn to Question Alito

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, makes opening remark
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, makes opening remarks as Chairman, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., left, looks on during the fourth day of confirmation hearings in Washington Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006, for the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)

WASHINGTON (AP) _ Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito said Thursday that Americans have a right to designate family members or friends to carry out their right-to-die wishes, an issue pushed to the forefront last year by the case of a brain-damaged Florida woman. On the fourth day of his confirmation hearings, President Bush's choice to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor fielded questions on the courts' role as people face their final hours.

110 Dead in Stampede on Last Day of Hajj

After having thrown their last 21 stones toward a pillar representing the devil, Muslim pilgrims re
After having thrown their last 21 stones toward a pillar representing the devil, Muslim pilgrims rest before leaving the Saudi Arabian city of Mina to head for Mecca, Islam's holiest shrine during the hajj, Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)

MINA, Saudi Arabia (AP) _ Thousands of Muslim pilgrims rushing to complete a symbolic stoning ritual on the last day of the hajj tripped over luggage Thursday, causing a crush in which at least 110 people were killed and 1,000 injured, Saudi medical officials said. The stampede occurred as tens of thousands of pilgrims headed toward al-Jamarat, a series of three pillars representing the devil that the faithful pelt with stones to purge themselves of sin.

Turkey to Review Pope Gunman's Release

Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turkish gunman who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981 leaves a military recruitmen
Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turkish gunman who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981 leaves a military recruitment center after being released from prison in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006. Agca was serving more than 25 years behind bars in Italy and Turkey for the plot against the pontiff and the slaying of a Turkish journalist. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) _ The man who shot Pope John Paul II in 1981 was released from prison Thursday after serving more than 25 years in Italy and Turkey for the plot against the pontiff and the slaying of a Turkish journalist. To the cheers of nationalist supporters, a white sedan whisked Mehmet Ali Agca _ whose attempt to assassinate the pope gained notoriety for himself and shame for his homeland _ through the gates of the high-security Kartal Prison as dozens of police officers stood guard. His supporters showered the car with red and yellow flowers.

Europeans Say Iran Talks Reach 'Dead End'

Members of the 'National Council of Resistance of Iran' protest against the Iranian government and
Members of the 'National Council of Resistance of Iran' protest against the Iranian government and the nuclear program near the Foreign Ministry in Berlin on Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006. The British, French and German foreign ministers meet Thursday to agree on a response to Iran's resumption of nuclear activities, which has pushed international patience to the breaking point. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

BERLIN (AP) _ The British, French and German foreign ministers said Thursday that negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program had reached a "dead end" and the Islamic republic should be referred to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions. The ministers called for a special session of the International Atomic Energy Agency to decide the referral. The ministers' call came two days after Iran broke U.N. seals at a uranium enrichment plant and said it was resuming nuclear research after a two-year freeze.

Trade Deficit Narrows, Jobless Claims Up

WASHINGTON (AP) _ The U.S. trade deficit improved slightly in November but was still the third highest on record as imports of foreign cars hit an all-time high and America's foreign oil bill remained near record levels. The politically sensitive deficit with China narrowed modestly as shipments of Chinese toys, clothing and other consumer products fell. The Commerce Department reported Thursday that the deficit declined by 5.7 percent in November to $64.2 billion after hitting a record of $68.1 billion in October.

BlackBerry to Support Google Messaging

NEW YORK (AP) _ BlackBerry handheld devices will soon support the Google Talk instant-messaging and Google Local mapping programs, the maker of the devices said Thursday, as the Internet titan continues its push to put its services on mobile devices. Financial details for the deal between Waterloo, Ontario-based Research in Motion Ltd. and search-engine leader Google Inc. were not disclosed.

U.S. Mint to Begin Shipping New Nickels

These images provided by the U.S. Mint show the front and reverse of the 2006 Thomas Jeffersn nicke
These images provided by the U.S. Mint show the front and reverse of the 2006 Thomas Jeffersn nickel. The Mint plans to begin shipping 80 million of the five-cent coins on Thursday, Jan. 12. They will be the first of an estimated 1 billion new nickels which will be put into circulation over the next year. (AP Photo/US Mint)

WASHINGTON (AP) _ Coming soon to a cash register near you _ a smiling Thomas Jefferson looking straight at you from a new nickel that will end nearly a century of tradition for U.S. coins. The Mint plans to begin shipping 80 million of the new 5-cent coins on Thursday to the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks. They will be the first of an estimated 1 billion new nickels which will be put into circulation over the next year.

Oprah Dismisses Claims About Frey Memoir

James Frey poses for a portrait outside a cafe in New York, March 24, 2003. An online publication i
James Frey poses for a portrait outside a cafe in New York, March 24, 2003. An online publication is alleging that Frey's best-selling memoir about substance abuse, "A Million Little Pieces," wildly exaggerates his past, with inflated claims about his criminal record and about his involvement in an accident that killed two high school students. (AP Photo/Gino Domenico

NEW YORK (AP) _ Oprah Winfrey broke her silence about James Frey's disputed memoir of addiction, "A Million Little Pieces," dismissing allegations of falsehoods as "much ado about nothing" and urging readers who have been inspired by the book to "Keep holding on." "What is relevant is that he was a drug addict ... and stepped out of that history to be the man he is today and to take that message to save other people and allow them to save themselves," Winfrey said Wednesday night in a surprise phone call to CNN's Larry King, who was interviewing Frey on his live television program.

Man Aims for New Snake-Kissing Record

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) _ A kiss is just a kiss, but it may prove to be the kiss of death for a Malaysian snake charmer who will attempt to set a new world record by planting 50 smooches on a venomous snake in 10 minutes. Shahimi Abdul Hamid, 33, will perform the dangerous feat on March 11 in a bid to break the current record held by an American man who kissed a poisonous snake 30 times in an unspecified time, the national news agency Bernama said Thursday.

NFL or USC? Bush to Decide Thursday

Southern California's Reggie Bush outruns Notre Dame defenders on his way to a third quarter touchd
Southern California's Reggie Bush outruns Notre Dame defenders on his way to a third quarter touchdown in South Bend, Ind., in this Oct. 15, 2005 photo. Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush will announce Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 whether he'll return to Southern California for his senior season or enter the NFL draft. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

LOS ANGELES (AP) _ Reggie Bush's backfield buddy is off to the NFL, and he's expected to be the next Southern California star to go pro. The Heisman Trophy winner was scheduled to announce Thursday whether he'll return to USC for his senior season or enter the NFL draft. LenDale White, Thunder to Bush's Lightning for three stellar seasons with the Trojans, declared himself eligible for the draft Wednesday. He set a USC record by scoring 57 career touchdowns, helping USC win two national titles and play for a third in the Rose Bowl last week.

Copyright 2006, AP News All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Qld: Man killed by passenger train in peak hour

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Man killed by passenger train in peak hour

Police are still trying to identify a man who was killed when he was hit by a train
during peak-hour traffic on Brisbane's west-side this morning.

A northbound commuter train struck the man as he walked over a level crossing near
Sherwood railway station about 9.15 am (AEST).

He wasn't carrying identification .. but is believed to be between 25 and 35.

The railway line has re-opened .. and Sherwood Road is expected to re-open later this afternoon.

AAP RTV/sjk/rj/bart


2005 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Fed: WA records first fatality taking national toll to 7

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: WA records first fatality taking national toll to 7

SYDNEY, Dec 24 AAP - Western Australia has recorded its first road fatality this holiday
period, bringing the national road toll to seven.

Police said a woman was killed when thrown from a car as it rolled near Karratha, 1,600
km north of Perth about 8pm (WST) yesterday.

The 23-year-old from Onslow was a backseat passenger in a Ford Falcon sedan southbound
on the North West Coastal Highway when the driver lost control and crashed the vehicle.

Earlier today, a man and a woman in their 20s were killed when their car hit a pole
in Melbourne's south-east.

Police say the accident happened about 4am (AEDT) on Wellington Road in Clayton.

It was the second double fatality in Victoria in 12 hours.

A 37-year-old mother and her 13-year-old girl were passengers in a four-wheel drive
that rolled on the Western Freeway north of Ballarat, about 120 km west of Melbourne,
last night.

Queensland and NSW have each recorded one fatality.

AAP rcg/rca/cdh/cjh/sd


2004 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SipTelecom Offers a Last Line of Defense of Big Portals and Telecom Companies in the Risk of Extinction.

HAIFA, Israel -- Microsoft announced that its new operating system Windows XP with its Instant Messaging client would support the SIP protocol.

SIP -- "Session Initiation Protocol" -- is a new Internet standard widely accepted as the next standard of global communication.

The world has recently been exposed to a major telecom revolution -- the cellular phones. This revolution diminished old telecom companies and leveraged a new type of telecom companies -- the cellular telecom companies. This revolution took about five years to dominate the world.

Nowadays we witness the beginning of a new revolution -- the instant messaging/SIP revolution. This revolution will enable to become connected in various modes -- text, voice, and video sessions, all of which are hardware and location independent.

This revolution cultivates a new type of telecom companies -- the big portals. Big portals, which currently supply basic Internet services such as e-mail addresses, will supply SIP phone numbers in the near future. This step will place them as next generation telecom companies.

Microsoft has taken the basic steps to become a new giant telecom company. They are making the SIP supported Instant Messaging available an integral part of their new operating system, Windows XP, and major service of MSN network.

After stalemate with the US judiciary, Microsoft's target appears to be the big portals and Telecom/ISPs. The dual spearheaded movement takes advantage of MSN network and Windows XP operating system might encircle their opponents.

SipTelecom offers a last line of defense for those endangered businesses. As the battle of portals is becoming bitter and fiercer, big portals such as Yahoo, AOL and Lycos cannot neglect the new emerging front -- the SIP front. The name of this battle is SIP phone subscribers. These subscribers will be tightly connected to the portal that supplies the service to them. The quantities of SIP service subscribers to portals will become the major contributor of their market share.

About SipTelecom:

SipTelecom is an Israeli start-up that has created its own propriety SIP Internet PBX system. Its web based communication system is using its award winning QMS technology. This technology allows big portals to embed SIP into their product line, giving their clients a new service iPN - Internet Phone Number.

The iPN is an URL easily accessed by clicking on a link. This technology is scalable and allows supporting millions of users, worldwide.

SipTelecom is launching an Internet commando task force, creating accurate Internet telecommunications technology. This next-generation technology enables telecom companies; big portals; ISPs and cellular providers to provide their customers today with tomorrow's SIP based telecommunication services. For more information log on to .

   For further details:   Mr. Alexander Zlotnik   iPN:   Phone: +972-4-8341388                      MAKE YOUR OPINION COUNT - Click Here       

Contact: Mr. Alexander Zlotnik of SipTelecom, +972-4-8341388, or


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Business Editors & High-Tech Writers

SAN JACINTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 28, 2000

Peacock Financial Corp. (OTCBB:PFCK) today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, DotCom Ventures LLC, has entered into a strategic partnership with TSC WebGroup Inc. to provide hosting, connectivity and hardware support to all its affiliated organizations.

The Orange County, Calif.-based "Irvine Technology Office" will serve to augment Peacock/DotCom's ability to provide backend and hardware support services to both its affiliate and portfolio companies, extending its virtual incubator model.

Located near the campus of the University of California, Irvine (UCI), the location gives access to a state-of-the-art data center, as well as an array of professional and student human resources in the fields of computer science, finance and business administration. Orange County (Irvine) has one of the most diverse high-tech economies in the United States, trailing only Boston in high-tech concentration and diversity.

Alan Lewis, president of DotCom Ventures, stated: "Opening the technology office is a fundamental component in our long-term incubator strategy. Through this location we will service our affiliate and our portfolio companies with Internet and back-office hardware and software hosting, maintenance and support. Our relationship with TSC WebGroup gives us the benefit of controlling our technological assets in-house, helping to control costs and ensure up time."

Steven Peacock, president of Peacock Financial, further commented: "We are beginning to see tangible steps being taken by DotCom in moving forward with our incubator strategy by leveraging key relationships with partners who not only provide knowledge and expertise in their respective fields but also open up opportunities to larger markets. TSC WebGroup is poised to make moves into both China and Australia, and we're going to be there with them."

Peacock Financial is an investment holding company, fully reporting with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a BDC (Business Development Corporation) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

Its current holdings include investments in Solutions Media Inc. (, Desert Winds Entertainment (OTCBB:DESWE), First Miracle Entertainment (OTCBB:MVEEE), DotCom Ventures LLC (wholly owned subsidiary) and iNetPartners Inc. (, as well as in professional sports with a substantial equity position in San Diego Soccer Development Corp. (NQB:SDSD), the Orange County Waves and the San Francisco Bay Seals (both wholly owned professional soccer franchises).

Peacock's real estate ventures are conducted through Peacock Development Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary. More information can be found at

Safe-harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein that are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company's filings with the SEC.

Lincoln Mercury Marks 1st California Anniversary, July 14.

IRVINE, Calif., July 13 /PRNewswire/ -- On Wednesday, July 14, Lincoln Mercury will celebrate its first anniversary as a California-based enterprise.

One year ago, the company broke decades of automotive tradition to become the first domestic automaker to move its world headquarters from Detroit to California. The move was part of a transformation at Lincoln Mercury to become a consumer enterprise focused on the automotive business, with a radically reshaped customer base.

First year successes include:

* U.S. luxury sales leadership

* Nearly 25,000 dealer orders for the new Lincoln LS sedan in just six


* Live Internet launch of 2000 Sable

* Segment leadership for Mercury Cougar

"Lincoln Mercury will continue its focus on developing relevant, differentiated brands and vehicles for discerning customers, surprising and delighting them with products and services that exceed their expectations," said Mark Hutchins, president.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Globalization: trends and perspectives.


Due to globalization, the business world has been completely transformed over the past thirty years. The economy is now more international with shares being traded between citizens of different countries on a daily basis. With the internationalization of industry and the economy there is a need for increased regulation from the governments of all countries involved. It is important to understand globalization to be a good business person in the world today. First, it is important to have a good understanding of the definition of globalization from several different business sources. Also, it is necessary to review the history of globalization so that it can be understood how we got to where we are today. Furthermore, there are several different trends that are occurring in the business world due to increased globalization. Professionals have different perspectives on how globalization has affected business today. Many scholars question whether or not globalization is positive or negative, especially for developing nations. These professionals feel that globalization brings both pros and cons to the world as a whole. Finally, business people should use this gained knowledge of globalization and apply it to future situations in the business environment.

A clear definition of globalization is important before beginning. Globalization is the increasing integration and interdependence among countries resulting from the modern flow of people, trade, finance and ideas from one nation to another. The World Bank, a strong supporter of globalization, defines it as, "the growing integration of economies and societies around the world." (Mukherjee, 2008). Globalization became an increasingly used term with technological innovations-most significantly the World Wide Web or Internet- that made financial transactions and recordkeeping of international shipments quicker and easier. As improved communication networks brought far-flung businesses together, it also brought different cultures together expanding the concept of globalization which now intersects the media, ideas, politics, the arts and other social artifacts across the planet. Globalization has expanded beyond its economic roots and has proliferated into human rights, the environment and even national security. Although these new initiatives do not look similar to the ones we are used to seeing the difference is that today's agreements come equipped with their own governance structures. This has led to an astonishing shift of policy-making prerogatives from individual nation-states to a host of new, higher level political institutions. This is a cause for celebration the notion that political institutions have come together to grow in size, importance and boldness is today's conventional wisdom.


Globalization began as soon as the world began to become connected at the beginning of human history. Trading began centuries ago when European explorers began trading on their voyages overseas. Trade opened up and countries began trading gems, spices, silk, gold and silver. Eventually trading companies in each country were formed and international trade began. International trade steadily increased up until World War 1. The beginning of World War 1 ended the first big boom of globalization for trade and international investment. After this time the Suez Canal opened up along with new railroads which decreased the transportation time between Europe and Asia (Mukherjee, 2008). This increased the amount of trade that was taking place, which increased the competition between countries to participate in international trade. During this time trade was centered near England and those countries that had excess resources, land, and capital. In the 19th Century the United States made a transition to the center of international trade with the U.S. share of manufactured goods increasing from 30% in 1840 to near 60% in 1913 (Mukherjee, 2008) However, the United States began to migrate toward being the center of trade, but their progress was hindered by the Great Depression and World War II. After World War II the United States began to increase trade with other nations, but this trade did not begin to rapidly increase until the1970s and 1980s. In 1947 the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was created benefitting the world trading system. Since then there have been eight different agreements of multilateral trade liberalization, as well as agreements that were made in individual regions of the world. From the close of World War II to the 1970s the Bretton Woods compromise was in full effect. This compromise restricted cross-border capital flow, it also let countries determine their own social and economy arrangements and how they wanted to develop their country. After the mid-70's financial markets became liberalized and countries have become more internationalized either on their own accord, or with some pushing from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Since the mid-1970s all three circuits of capital (sales, finance, and production) have been internationalized more than any other time in history (Went, 2004). This increase since the 1970s has been largely due to a rapid increase in technology and the liberalization of governmental trade policies. However, some economist believe that globalization is retreating from its peak during the past thirty years and going into reverse. Globalization is seen to be at a standstill or in decline in the current economic crisis. A clear prediction of where globalization will go in the future has not been fully agreed upon.


Globalization is usually presented in different perspectives. Two perspectives most commonly used is pro-globalizationists and the other is anti-globalization or the like, but a close examination of the literature really reveals that people are neither true capitalist or true isolationist.

Pro-golablizationists or capitalist argue there is little evidence of income inequality (Almas Heshmati says) for two reasons. First there is no previous data to prove the hypothesis, second levels of income inequality in the pre-globalization phase are undeterminable.

The anti-globalization side argues the lowest cost provider does not mean more income equality for people of that country as Researcher Kaplinsky (2001) examines the current state of China and India and believes the increased participation has not only hurt the incomes of the unskilled worker but also semi-skilled and skilled workers.

For current literature McNally (2006) interprets how previous fundamental movements of laborers, peasants, and natives peoples in different countries have changed policies, he proposes a rough outline of revolutionary politics established on nonuniformity, internationalism and moving beyond the idea of one market. He also offers a clear understanding of how the movements need to make the best use of their strengths. Literature addressing the concept of globalization was also examined. The concept of globalization is a wide field but one of the most common books used in this area is probably Thomas Friedmans "The Lexus and the Olive Tree. Mr. Friedman is proglobalization and views globalization as the utopian way of life. To understand other global economic topics, such as agricultural reform, outsourcing and so forth the website gave more of practical pro-globalization than Friedman.


An Increase In Technology and Transportation

Globalization has been rising side by side with the increase in available technology and convenience of improved transportation. Technology has made it simpler for people to communicate across borders, and has also lead to a decline in the cost of transportation. The technological revolutions in the-mid 1980s lead to lowering the cost of transportation on airplanes, cars, and ships. It is now much less expensive and much easier to transport goods from one country to another. Transportation is a pro-active agent of globalization and continues to receive additional benefits as transportation itself improves. Globalized transportation has become very profitable resulting in additional research and improved transportation technology. During the main growth stages of globalization between 1970 and 1993 mobilization increased nearly fifty percent throughout Europe. It was found that the average person went from traveling 16.5 km per day per person to 31.5 km per day per person. This travel generally takes place by automobile with automobile ownership increasing to an estimated 810 million in 2010, up from 670 million in 2003. Since the 1970s the flow of goods in Europe has dramatically increased. The transport of goods by road has increased by 40%, intercontinental rail shipping has increased by 17%, and waterway shipping has increased by 12% (Capineri and Leinback, 2004). Transportation is the main factor that reduces barriers to international trade and helps to market new technology globally. Business people are able to travel more easily in order to work out deals with business people in other nations. A decrease in transportation costs has triggered business' to garner greater profits by factory relocation, concentrating production in one sector, or in one location, where country inequalities exist (Heshmati, 2003). In addition, the digital revolution has also made globalization increase. Companies can now transfer files digitally over the internet, and even over handheld device. This makes it possible to have meetings without every participant of the meeting being physically present. The deregulation of the telecom market has lead to lower long distance communication costs and the exchange of information easier than ever before (Mukherjee, 2008). International businesses can now communicate with others through the ease of the email, telephone conferences, and videoconferences. It is now much less expensive for business people to pick of the telephone and ask their colleagues a quick question about a transaction that they are currently working on. The increase in telecommunications development had to do with a cause-effect relationship between technological development and the deregulation of financial market policies. New technology revealed how inefficient the financial market regulations were to begin with, and the deregulations of the financial market regulations lead to an increased investment in telecommunications, which then lead to increase technological advances (Czaputowicz, 2007). This increase in communication technology even further decreases the cost of doing business internationally.

The Liberalization of Governmental Trade Policies

Globalization is both inescapable and illogical. We cannot completely isolate ourselves nor can we have a completely unregulated commerce. Either way or idea would probably be catastrophic and almost out of the question. The question is how much regulation do we need and what type. The government has a big place in globalization by setting standards for international trade and monitoring the structure for international trade and determining which sectors should become privatized. In fact International Monetary Fund loan terms require certain sectors to become privatized.

If the government is active in facilitating investment, then that country is most likely globalized. The marketplace should be an efficient place to allocate resources. Therefore, the main role of the government should be to create an effective marketplace by providing a superior structure of corporate governance and business law, providing a stable economic framework, and provide supply-side flexibility at a micro level (Alexander and Warwick, 2007). Kagan, 2007 stated that "there is little doubt that globalization has impinged on the autonomy of national governments, pushing the legal systems of economically advanced democracies toward convergence in significant ways." Convergence between governments is needed so that trade can be regulated the same in all participating countries. Recently, trade laws are getting more liberal and opening up trade in parts of the world where international trade was previously not taking place. These trade liberalization policies are needed to open trade throughout the world and increase economic growth. In recent years, the United States has increased membership in intergovernmental organizations and increased the amount of legislation passed that was intended to regulate numerous aspects of trade and finance (Pryor, 2000). With this new standardization the United States is now able to trade more easily with foreign nations. The new nations that are now available for trade are able to make products much more affordable for United States citizens. It is important for developing nations to participate in trade agreements in order to gain a competitive advantage in a globalized world. Research suggests that even further liberalization in both advanced and developing countries is needed for all countries to receive full benefits of globalization.

Next, financial capital has become more dominant, making it important for corporations to maximize shareholder value, which affects the companies' way of functioning, and how income and wealth are distributed. The removal of the Bretton Woods accord led to financial deregulation and exchange markets are now speculative, and rely on the amount of money flowing through the system rather than trade flows (Went, 2004). With the free flow of capital throughout the world financial markets, trading and technology have all exploded at a rapid pace. An investor may borrow money from a bank in London to build a skyscraper in China, and even have financial backers from Australia, Sweden, and Dubai.

An Increase In The Inequalities Among Nations

Also, globalization has lead to an increase in the inequalities of nations. Literature has many contradicting viewpoints on exactly how unequal nations are currently, and how big a factor globalization is playing in the inequalities. The richest of nations are continuing to increase in wealth while the poorest nations are continuing to get poorer . It has been found that 20% of the world's richest population control 86% of world gross domestic product and 82% of world exports, while the world's poorest 20% consume, 1.3% (Herriott and Scott-Jackson, 2002). However, (Crafts ,2003) predicts that growth rates for countries just beginning to actively participate in international commerce will grow steadily for those countries. He believes that low-income countries will not be left out of globalization due to the increased reduction of trade borders throughout the world. These types of reforms include creating macroeconomic and fiscal stability and easing trade regimes (Graham, 2001). These reforms help nations integrate into the global world more easily and help reduce the inequality between the U.S. and nations that are already integrated into the global marketplace. Emerging countries such as India and China have reduced poverty and has shown an increase in economic growth since they adopted open economic policies in the 1990's (Cheng and Mittlehammer, 2008). This proves that with the right policies developing nations do not have to suffer due to globalization. It is important to put these policies in place so that more countries will want to participate in globalization. If developing countries know that they will not have to suffer from inequalities they will want join globalization. In 1995 The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) conducted an empirical study in developing countries in Asia. The study found that foreign investment has had a positive impact on economic growth when country-specific factors are taken into account (Carkovic and Levine, 2002). These factors include; domestic financial development, school attainment, and national income. Even though the numbers say that globalization is not imposing negativity on developing nations, many researchers still believe that it is. This study might have been slightly skewed due to the country-specific factors that were taken into consideration. When researchers use the information from the countries previous condition it could have mixed data. Some of the countries may have been so bad off in the first place that it actually seems as though there is a positive income on that countries economy.

Each country wanting to integrate toward globalization should create local conditions to complement its integrating. These conditions include, creating an efficient and stable financial market, developing human capital, and creating quality institutions. The government needs to be effective in utilizing these institutions to make policy and deliver public services. There is no current research that directly defines whether economic performance is actually better due to institutions. However, literature states that the quality of institutions affects both the quality and quantity of input productivity. Research found the quality of institutions affects both stocks and investment rate of capital (Gwartney et al., 2004).

On the other hand, some researcher's say that although globalization has the potential to benefit all of the nations involved it has not done so. Basu (2003) stated that "those who are at the helm of global politics and economics have made sure that their wealth gets amassed and their power is protected." This being said, the regions that are just beginning to participate in international trade are suffering greatly.

An Increase In the Inequalities of Incomes Between Citizens of A Single Nation

Finally, along with the increase in the inequalities of nations there was an increase in labor inequalities between the citizens of a single nation. Kaplinsky (2001) discusses this inequality and poverty due to globalization. He stated that as China chooses to increasingly participate in the global economy it will hurt the income of many of China's citizens. The same thing was said for India and other low wage emerging economies. This researcher believed that participating in globalization would hurt the incomes of not just the unskilled workers but also the incomes of the semi-skilled and skilled workers Kaplinsky (2001). Research documents indicate that since the 1970s developing countries have exhibited economic growth and growing inequalities (Tisdell, 2004). Prior research presents two facts on income inequality prior to globalization. First, there is no proven correlation linking growth and inequality. Second, the levels of income inequality in the pre-globalization phase are undeterminable (Heshmati, 2003). However, the division between the upper and lower classes is getting wider and wider as time goes by. Literature suggests that trade has played a minor role in labor inequality, but rapid technological changes are the main source for income inequality. The conditions of work for unskilled workers and skilled workers are rapidly changing with technology. The unskilled workers are unable to operate new technology and therefore are beginning to get paid less and less. New technology is creating diverging wage and salary levels, increasing job insecurity for unskilled workers, and increasing unemployment rates for low skilled employees. In the previously mentioned article Kaplinsky discussed unequal incomes in China during the 1980s and 90s. He found that when global income inequality is "measured in relation to individual incomes, rather than inter-country average incomes the share of global income going to individuals has become more unequal. The average income in China did rise but large numbers of the Chinese population were excluded from gains, and are worse off than before" (Kaplinsky, 2001). Currently, many reforms are taking place to bridge the gap between incomes in countries throughout the world. Often times reforms on developing nations are looked at in a negative light. However, the effect of these reforms on the poor can actually be very positive. The poor have the most difficult time protecting themselves from high rates of inflation. In the past market reforms have reoriented public spending towards benefits for the less fortunante or poor (Graham, 2001). These reforms have lead to globalization actually becoming positive for lower class society. Local socioeconomic conditions play a big part on how globalization impacts certain areas of society. Individuals no longer see themselves as part of society as a whole and continue to separate themselves from society. This leads to an "every man for himself" type culture and even furthers the gap between individuals in society. These individuals are motivated by their own needs, preferences, and rights, and begin to lose high regard for other members of society.


There are three main perspectives on globalization, each discussing different positives and negatives that are associated with globalization. The three different perspectives are the hyperglobalist perspective, the skeptical perspective, and the transformationalist perspective.

The Hyperglobalist Perspective

The first perspective is the Hyperglobalist perspective. This perspective argues that past history and current economics have joined together to create a new relationship where nations are uniting both economically and politically. It is necessary for countries to band together in both of these aspects in order to be successful in the globalized world. Countries that are not uniting are being left behind in the new globalized world that we live in today. This perspective views that the world economy is controlled more by the current marketplace than by governments. It is believed that industry, trading, and the global financial marketplace drives the economy, with governance having little to no control over the marketplace. Hyperglobalist believe that the power of individual governments is weakening as a whole, and that globalization has weakened the ability of individual governments to regulate the economy. Noting this, transnational governance organizations are becoming increasingly important. Many governments will have to merge together, and some may have to obey rules that they do not establish. Some scholars say that the democratic social models implemented and protected by nation-states will become increasingly insupportable. With the amount of trading going on in the national marketplace it is almost inevitable to have some sort of global governance system. Each country and its citizens have different beliefs on how a government should be developed and how much control it may have. It will most likely be a long time in the future before governments can come together and create any type of global system. However, other scholars say that the dissemination of a "consumerist ideology" is the first step in breaking down traditional modes of identification. As liberal democracy spreads the world will develop more universal principles of economic and political organization. After these things take place a truly global civilization will become possible (Held. Et al.,1999). Increased communication due to technological advances has created more of a mass culture, than existed in the past. The Hyperglobalist perspective sees the world economy as one single unit, more so than any other perspective does.

The Skeptical Perspective

The second perspective is the Skeptical perspective. The skeptical perspective views the globalization process as more separated and regionalized than as a truly global world. Scholars who view globalization with a skeptical perspective dismiss the fact that there is the development of a global culture of global development structure. These people believe that the world is globalizing but different regions are globalizing together. This perspective suggests that the past provides evidence that the world is not becoming a single market but that it is the expansion of regional economic sectors and the cooperation of trade between countries (Robinson 2006.) For example, industrialized nations have been trading together and building a trading block between each other. Then they slowly start purchasing products from developing countries and adding these countries to their block. The skeptical perspective believes that a strong-nation state is needed to facilitate trade between countries and regulate the running of the global economy. These "power countries" will regulate the trading between developing nations who do not have a strong government system. Many scholars view this perspective as more believable because those countries with a strong nation-state are more active in international commerce. The skeptical perspective believes in a globalized world but believes that globalization begins regionally then migrates toward a globalized economy.

The Transformationalist Perspective

The final perspective is the Transformationalist perspective. This perspective differs from the other two perspectives in two ways. First, it is believed that there is no individual cause (that is, the market or economic logic) behind globalization. Globalization is considered a phenomenon that just slowly progressed over the years. Second, scholars believe that the outcome of processes of globalization is not determined (Held et al. 1999). These scholars say that globalization is an unknown phenomenon and its outcome will not be known for many years down the road. Transformationalist authors believe that the same general changes have occurred from globalization but there is no direct belief in the exact direction that these changes came about. Also, this perspective does not define any historical events or factors that define globalization. Globalization is just something that has been happening with no defined past or future. Transformationalist say the power of national governments is increasing but the nature of these national governments is changing. This perspective believes that the range of factors influencing processes of globalization is much greater, and the outcomes of globalization are very uncertain.

The Perspective That Globalization Is Not Occurring

In addition to these three perspectives there are those who believe that globalization is not occurring. In the article Globalization in Question authors Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson (1996) believe that our world today is not experiencing globalization but rather an increase in growth in the international economy. These theorists believe that in fact the international economy is becoming more globalized but full globalization is not taking place. The international economy is experiencing the growth that it previously had before the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War. These authors believe that if we truly lived in a globalized world, society, as a whole would be very similar socially. Currently this is not true. Societies of different countries are different in so many different wants. They think that if our society were truly globalized then market forces would be uncontrollable and automatic. Right now the market forces are somewhat controllable by government intervention. Those who do not believe in globalization also think that there is not enough political backing for this type of globalized movement to be taking place. Although, many countries support globalization no government supports the world being fully globalized. These are the reasons that some believe that globalization is not occurring.


There are many different theories on globalization that are circulating literature. Researcher Almas Heshmati (2003) found that there are three basic theories on globalization and world-wide inequality. First, is the neoclassical growth theory that forecasts the coming together of nations because of increased flow of capital throughout the world. Next, is the endogenous growth theory, which forecasts a smaller amount of convergence or divergence because there is a larger return on technological advances in countries that are already fully globalized. Finally, the dependency approach forecasts that divergence occurs because of the different amount of benefits that each country will receive from economic integration depending on how wealthy that country is. For example if a country is trying to become more democratic the dependency approach will hurt the process because the dependency perspective relies on foreign capital. (Heckelman and Knack 2005).

Is Globalization Reversible

When asking whether or not globalization is reversible does not mean it needs to be altered to the degree of disbandment but rather can it to a certain extent be changed to advance all societies, rather than a few nations. Examining this possibility requires a sincere look into the unfair nature of globalization of today and then evaluate the needed steps to adjust it ongoing development in all countries. The World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization says to be aware of the clear warnings of what is going to occur if globalization is allowed its continued path, while advancements are "too distant for too many". (The Assoc. for Women's Right in Development, 2008).

Great wealth is being accumulated, but developmental problems of exclusion, poverty, an inequality persist. Bribery is generally accepted, free and open cultures and societies are endangered by violence and the ideas of an open market are in question. World-Wide sovereignty is in a predicament. The world is at a perilous juncture and we all need to revise or rethink our present policy and organizations (The Association for Women's Rights in Development, 2008).

Societal change has always existed. The amount societies have changed has allowed mankind to achieve great and wondrous things. Without the progress of social change (examples include technological and medical discoveries) mankind would fight to survive. However social change is not always done for the benefit of all. It is undeniable that the power of globalization is both advantageous and disadvantageous at the same time. Countries such as the United States celebrate its good fortunes while Africa struggles. With inherent challenges making the concept of globalization unforeseeable. Africa's economy depends heavily on exports and farming, globalization will make such customary practices outdated.

The belief among financial experts, "Globalization and the progress to an informational market which relies on knowledge-based products threatens Africa's already shaky position in the global market" (IPS 2004). Africa's economy relies on regionally grown commodities such as palm oil, sugar, cocoa, and vanilla, speaks to the aspect of efficient techniques which are created faster, cheaper and within "research facilities or in a non-traditional environment" (IPS 2004). Indeed, while much of the rest of the world looks longingly toward the prospect of globalization, African farmers and the rest of the population are seeing nothing short of economic destruction. Primary to the challenges facing Africa due to globalization is that it is destroying the very nature of equitable commerce.

Changing this approach to globalization will require a number of modifications to the present methodology, a multifaceted task clearly laid out by the Commission in its document entitled; A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All that includes the following criteria: 1) A focus on people that addresses such global characteristics as gender equality, cultural autonomy/identity, community empowerment and decent work opportunities; 2) a democratic and effective State whereby the capacity exists to offer economic/social opportunity as well as assimilate into the global economy; 3) sustainable development in all forms of social, economic and environmental application; 4) productive and equitable markets; 5) fair rules; 6) globalization with solidarity; 7) greater responsibility to citizens, both public and private; 8) deeper partnerships in all organizational levels; and 9) an effective United Nations that creates and enforces an appropriate system of governance. In short, these proposals call for "a wider and more democratic participation of people and countries in the making of policies that affect them. They also require those with the capacity and power to decide-governments, parliaments, business, labour, civil society and international organizations--to assume their common responsibility to promote a free, equitable and productive global community" (The World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, 2004).


In conclusion, over the past thirty years globalization has completely transformed how nations are conducting business in the world. The increases in technology and the liberalization or governmental policies have lead to globalization skyrocketing over the past three decades. This drastic increase in globalization has lead to an increase in inequality amongst nations, as well as an increase in the inequalities between social classes of individual countries. There are three main perspectives on globalization within literature today. Each individual perspective has different viewpoints on what causes globalization, how globalization impacts society, and the future of globalization. There are also several theories of globalization that need to be understood. It is imperative to have a clear understanding of the trends and perspectives of globalization to be able to understand how it affects the business world and society.


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Tiffany Bishop, Sam Houston State University

John Reinke, Sam Houston State University

Tommy Adams, Sam Houston State University

The top 50: software venture capital investments--Q1 2005.(Mergers, IPOs, and Venture Finance)(List)

 The Top 50: Software Venture Capital Investments-Q1 2005       Company                       Business Focus  1    Webroot Software              Anti-spyware software 2    Cadent Holdings               3D digital software 3    Bitfone Corporation           Mobile phones software 4    Incipient                     Management software for storage 5    Level 5 Networks              Semiconductor software  6    Teneros                       Mission critical support 7    Ardence                       Embedded applications 8    ExaGrid Systems               Data protection and storage                                      software 9    VIEO                          Software for high-speed input/                                      output networks 10   Procuri                       Supply management software  11   Network Intelligence          Internet software 12   Teros                         Security software for web                                      applications 13   NeoScale Systems              Data storage security 14   SpikeSource                   Open Source code management 15   Zilliant                      Pricing management software  16   Active Reasoning              Operations resource management                                      software 17   Code Green Networks           Networking software 18   Fieldglass                    Web-based workforce management 19   StreamBase Systems            Streaming data software 20   Aarohi Communications, Inc.   Storage software  21   Zenprise                      Exchange management software 22   Telcontar                     Geo mapping software 23   FirstRain                     Web-infrastructure software 24   DataPower Technology          XML middleware 25   Entopia                       Knowledge management platform  26   Siperian                      Data integration and BI software 27   Padcom                        Wireless remote access systems 28   Vontu                         Surveillance software 29   Movaris                       Financial control management 30   Voxify                        Voice-base customer service  31   DivXNetworks                  Video compression technology 32   sentitO Networks              Communication infrastructure 33   Secure Software               Security auditing services 34   RLX Technologies              Server management software 35   Integrated Healthcare Syst.   Hospital and pharmacy management  36   VhaYu Technologies            Business intelligence 37   InnerWorkings                 Learning tools for software                                      developers 38   Groundwork Open Source        Software assets monitoring system 39   SuccessFactors                Performance management software 40   Valchemy                      Software to track M&A activities  41   Anystream                     Streaming media encoding software 42   Avinti                        Anti-virus software 43   NGOA                          Vertical solutions for various                                      industries 44   Kryptiq                       BPM platforms for automating                                      healthcare 45   ChoiceStream                  Personalization solutions for                                      online consumers  46   Duck Creek Technologies       Product life-cycle management for                                      insurers 47   Ortiva Wireless               Wireless communications 48   Silicon Valley                Performance management systems 49   CounterStorm                  Security software 50   Invoke Solutions              Marketing research systems       Company                       Lead Investor  1    Webroot Software              Accel Partners;Mayfield Fund 2    Cadent Holdings               Apax Partners;J.P. Morgan Partners 3    Bitfone Corporation           Qualcomm Ventures 4    Incipient                     Globespan Capital Partners 5    Level 5 Networks              Accel Partners;Amadeus Capital  6    Teneros                       New Enterprise Associates/Sevin                                      Rosen 7    Ardence                       Capital Resource Partners 8    ExaGrid Systems               Highland Capital Partners;Sigma                                      Partners 9    VIEO                          INVESCO Private Capital 10   Procuri                       Advent International;Insight                                      Venture Partners  11   Network Intelligence          Ascent Venture Partners;Bain                                      Capital 12   Teros                         CMEA Ventures;ChevronTexaco 13   NeoScale Systems              Advanced Technology Ventures;Bay                                      Partners 14   SpikeSource                   Fidelity Ventures;Kleiner Perkins 15   Zilliant                      Austin Ventures;Cardinal Venture                                      Capital  16   Active Reasoning              ArrowPath Venture Capital 17   Code Green Networks           Bay Partners 18   Fieldglass                    BlueStream Ventures;Grotech Capital                                      Group 19   StreamBase Systems            Accel Partners;Bessemer Venture                                      Partners 20   Aarohi Communications, Inc.   JumpStartUp Advisors;TeleSoft                                      Partners  21   Zenprise                      Bay Partners;Mayfield Fund 22   Telcontar                     Cardinal Venture Capital;Ford Motor                                      Company 23   FirstRain                     Ampersand Ventures/Diamondhead                                      Ventures 24   DataPower Technology          Atlas Venture;Mobius Venture                                      Capital 25   Entopia                       Global Catalyst Partners;Invus                                      Group  26   Siperian                      Anthem Venture Partners;ArrowPath 27   Padcom                        Liberty Partners 28   Vontu                         Benchmark Capital;U.S. Venture                                      Partners 29   Movaris                       Granite Ventures;Mohr Davidow                                      Ventures 30   Voxify                        El Dorado Ventures;Palomar Ventures  31   DivXNetworks                  Draper Atlantic; Samsung Venture 32   sentitO Networks              Core Capital Partners;Kodiak                                      Venture Partners 33   Secure Software               Charles River Ventures 34   RLX Technologies              Austin Ventures;Ignition 35   Integrated Healthcare Syst.   AIG Global Investment Group  36   VhaYu Technologies            DB Capital Partners;Menlo Ventures 37   InnerWorkings                 Benchmark Capital;Mohr Davidow                                      Ventures 38   Groundwork Open Source        Canaan PartnersMayfield Fund 39   SuccessFactors                Canaan Partners;Cardinal Venture                                      Capital 40   Valchemy                      Discovery Ventures;Lightspeed                                      Venture  41   Anystream                     SCP Private Equity                                      Partners;Softbank 42   Avinti                        Sequel Venture Partners 43   NGOA                          Norwest Venture Partners;Trident                                      Capital 44   Kryptiq                       BCM Technologies;Shelter Capital                                      Partners 45   ChoiceStream                  General Catalyst Partners  46   Duck Creek Technologies       Pequot Capital Management 47   Ortiva Wireless               Artiman Ventures;Avalon Ventures 48   Silicon Valley                Shasta Ventures Management;U.S.                                      Venture 49   CounterStorm                  Metropolitan Venture Partners;Novak                                      Biddle 50   Invoke Solutions              BRM Capital;Bain Capital       Company                         Investment  1    Webroot Software              $108,750,000 2    Cadent Holdings                $25,000,100 3    Bitfone Corporation            $22,000,000 4    Incipient                      $20,150,100 5    Level 5 Networks               $18,000,000  6    Teneros                        $17,499,900 7    Ardence                        $14,000,000 8    ExaGrid Systems                $13,500,000 9    VIEO                           $13,000,000 10   Procuri                        $12,500,000  11   Network Intelligence           $12,100,000 12   Teros                          $12,000,100 13   NeoScale Systems               $12,000,000 14   SpikeSource                    $12,000,000 15   Zilliant                       $12,000,000  16   Active Reasoning               $11,500,000 17   Code Green Networks            $11,220,000 18   Fieldglass                     $11,065,000 19   StreamBase Systems             $11,000,000 20   Aarohi Communications, Inc.    $11,000,000  21   Zenprise                       $10,999,900 22   Telcontar                      $10,600,000 23   FirstRain                      $10,197,000 24   DataPower Technology           $10,000,000 25   Entopia                        $10,000,000  26   Siperian                       $10,000,000 27   Padcom                         $10,000,000 28   Vontu                          $10,000,000 29   Movaris                         $9,999,900 30   Voxify                          $9,999,900  31   DivXNetworks                    $9,876,100 32   sentitO Networks                $9,500,000 33   Secure Software                 $9,250,000 34   RLX Technologies                $9,100,200 35   Integrated Healthcare Syst.     $9,000,000  36   VhaYu Technologies              $9,000,000 37   InnerWorkings                   $8,800,000 38   Groundwork Open Source          $8,500,000 39   SuccessFactors                  $8,499,900 40   Valchemy                        $8,020,000  41   Anystream                       $8,000,100 42   Avinti                          $7,660,900 43   NGOA                            $7,500,000 44   Kryptiq                         $7,100,000 45   ChoiceStream                    $7,000,000  46   Duck Creek Technologies         $7,000,000 47   Ortiva Wireless                 $7,000,000 48   Silicon Valley                  $6,725,000 49   CounterStorm                    $6,651,000 50   Invoke Solutions                $6,500,000