Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Beazley calls on govt to throw full support behind Wahid

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Beazley calls on govt to throw full support behind Wahid

CANBERRA, Feb 14 AAP - Indonesia's President Wahid needed Australia's full support
for his decision to sack his defence minister General Wiranto, the federal opposition
said today.

Just hours after withdrawing his demand for the general's resignation over his alleged
involvement in atrocities in East Timor, President Wahid dumped the defence minister early

Opposition Leader Kim Beazley said President Wahid's action deserved and needed Australia's

"He is attempting to maneouvre his way through a very delicate situation," Mr Beazley
told reporters.

"But he knows and he comprehends that those who have been responsible for acts of destruction,
and murder and damage in East Timor at some point of time have to come to account.

"And that's an encouragement to all of us, I would have thought, that things have changed
in Indonesia."

AAP ss/mfh/bdm


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