Saturday, March 3, 2012

PBS packs `POV' punch in fund pitch.(Television)

Byline: MARK McGUIRE Staff Writer

The documentary series "POV" reminds us what the point of viewing PBS is.

Any reference to the network now must be preceded by the word "embattled," as Republican forces in Congress and elsewhere work to either recast or defund the public broadcaster. You can't argue that it isn't happening, only whether it's a good thing or not.

The central question in the debate: Is PBS providing a public service - one that merits tax dollars - that the viewing public can't receive elsewhere? Some myopically respond "No."

"That argument has been around forever, and I don't think it holds water," said Deborah Onslow, president of WMHT Ch. 17, the Capital Region's public broadcaster. "The …

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