Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed: Call centre conditions secured in new agreement

Fed: Call centre conditions secured in new agreement

Thousands of call centre workers have won a raft of entitlements under a new agreementdesigned to standardise the previously unregulated industry.

Around 20,000 people are covered by the new award, hammered out over 18 months by theACTU, employers and the Australian Industrial Relations Commission.

The ACTU says that until now, many call centre employees -- especially those on contract-- have been among the worst paid in Australia.

Under the award, contract workers will receive penalty rates for work performed between7pm and 7am Monday to Friday.

The ACTU says workers in one company estimate they'll be about $1,000 a year better off.

The award guarantees casual pay loading of 20 per cent in the first 12 months and 25per cent thereafter, overtime rates and shift loading, and improved minimum wage rateslinked to qualifications.

AAP RTV kbw/hn/jmt


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